Monday, September 05, 2005

Haphazard cries

When one looks ahead
There has yet a single spark

A day's energy has been expended
Hopefully it was not an exercise of futility
And if it was not
Why has it not seem effective?

The world out there
Still trying to understand
Complexities are acceptable
But atrocities, why have they been condoned?

Pressing on
Yet wondering how long one's faith could really last?


Jammie J. said...

Faith will last for as long as there is hope. You have to have hope to survive, I think.

oceanskies79 said...

Mystic: thanks for posting. Yet, I fear I have no response to offer.

Simple American: Thanks for your sharing. I wish I could be wise enough to truly comprehend its depth.

J.: Thanks for visiting. Thanks for sharing a sense of hope with me.