Friday, March 04, 2005

The Night's Air's Clouded with Smoke

After rehearsals tonight, I was greeted with a night's air which was clouded with smoke. I wonder what has went wrong with the air lately? The night's poor air is making me feel sick. I miss the fresh and clear air.

There was orchestra rehearsals tonight. We played through most of the programmes for the upcoming concert. The surprise part was that we played part of the second movement of the Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony. I quite like the second movement, and I think I would enjoy it better if we could play all the movements of the Fifth Symphony.

Prior to the orchestra rehearsals, I met MX. He has been very kind to offer to put the sound-post back in place for the orchestra's double bass with the sound-post problem. He has the tools and skills to do so. You bet that yours truly became delighted after the sound-post was fixed back into its place. That was the double bass that I have usually been playing on when I attend orchestra rehearsals. Here's to say a heartfelt "Thank You" to MX. I had wanted to give MX a treat for the great favour, but he had to rush off to another place. Another day then.

I do not remember that the day was clouded with as much smoke as it is right now. Could there have been a massive bushfire occuring this evening?

Earlier today at the work place, I was busy trying to come up with several social reports. I would prefer to work on social reports in a peace and quiet environment, and I found myself giving my colleagues several reminders this morning to ask them to reduce their volume.

Today, I must have not been in the moods for fun and play, joy and merry. Blame it on the weather if you wish. I was just trying my best to stay focused in doing what I think needed to be done.

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