Sunday, March 13, 2005


Life has been alright. It has its ups and downs. At the same time, there are moments of blessings that have helped to sugar-coat the day.

At the same time, there are a lot of questions that have been running through the mind. The surest vulnerability of mankind is that he does not have answers to all questions. Then again, maybe that vulnerability implies room for adventure, such that one could search endlessly for those answers that may not be answered within one's entire life time?

I do know that the questions are continuously rolling out of the mind: What is there to look forward to? What is my purpose in life? What could I contribute? What am I meant to do in this strange world? What is living all about? ...

These questions seem to drain rather than to recharge. Maybe they weren't intended to be answered through constantly questioning? Maybe they were meant to be answered in unexpected ways?

Anyway, I am feeling tired right now to contemplate further.

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