Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Read: Glasser's Choice Theory

Title: Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom
Author: William Glasser
Publisher: HarperCollins Publisher
ISBN: 0-06-093014-4

This book is possibly the book to read on Choice Theory. In this book, the author explains the theory, and how it would help in the progress in human relationship by giving up external control psychology.

In essence, it is divided into three key sections: the theory, the practice, the application.

Generally, it is written in accessible language although the content in this book is both extensive and fairly massive in its scope. For people who are new to Choice Theory, I may not start with this book because it was necessary that this book discusses the elements of Choice Theory to a fair level of depth. Then again, for people who have already been exposed to Choice Theory, it is the introductory book that covers the essential elements of Choice Theory with further depth.

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