Friday, August 14, 2015

Read: Stephanie Dowrick's Heaven on Earth

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Title: Heaven on Earth: Timeless Prayers of Wisdom and Love
Author: Stephanie Dowrick
Publisher: Jeremy P. Tarcher/ Penguin, New York, USA.

Stephanie Dowrick is one of the authors whose writing I have enjoyed reading. In this book, there is a compilation of prayers and poems. It was a tranquil and very human experience reading some of the prayers and poems that were printed in this book. A comforting read. This is a book I had read over a period of at least seven months, and I was reading many other books in between.

I think reading Stephanie Dowrick's "Seeking the Sacred" before reading "Heaven on Earth" had helped set the context that was useful in facilitating me to appreciate many of the prayers and poems in this book. I wondered if it would be even more beneficial to get an audio book of "Heaven on Earth" and hear Stephanie Dowrick herself reciting the contents?

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