Tuesday, October 21, 2008

18 Sep 2008: Breakfast at the hotel

Practising diligence can help make room for the better things in life.

After a memorable day out with XS the day before, one of the things that I started doing was to pack my luggage. I was to leave Sydney for Melbourne in the early morning of 19 Sep 2008. My initial plans were to pack only in the evening of 18 Sep 2008, but I decided if I could be more diligent and do the bulk of the packing earlier, that would mean that I could have a little more time with my friends on 18 Sep 2008. I am thankful I had the foresight to have my luggage packed by 17 Sep 2008 night.

The reward for practising diligence to pack my luggage was a nice breakfast at the hotel's restaurant the following morning. Actually, the menu for breakfast throughout my entire stay at the hotel was almost the same. The fact that I prefer not to eat red meat meant that I hardly ate any of sausages and bacons that were served every morning. Nevertheless, the breakfast there did serve its core function to replenish me with energy to start each new day.

That morning, I tried scraping a very thin layer of Vegemite on one of the slices of bread and then ate it. It tasted quite interesting this way. The taste was considerably strong even though I had only scrap a very thin layer on the bread. Anyway, I read that Vegemite contains Vitamin B, which is supposedly good for the body.

After breakfast, I was ready to start the day.

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