Thursday, December 22, 2005

Bloggers meeting in Singapore

City Hall building, Singapore

Kunstemaecker will be in Singapore soon. When I started out with blogging, I have never thought that in real life, I could meet fellow bloggers whom I have never met.

Mistipurple is having a countdown on her blog in anticipation of this occasion.


mistipurple said...

i would never have expected an 'overseas' blogger to actually come to town to meet us. this is an incredible feeling.
i will see you on the 27th after kracker touches down, and we can take it from there. i will post what i can on my blog too.

crazycat said...

haha.. no one actually think they are going to meet anyone.. but end up we meet some already and now, we got foreign meat sending himself to us for slaughter *oops*..

pinkie said...

lol... foreign meat... cat, tat's so funny!